Have you ever heard of bruxism? Although bruxism is highly common, it is often an undetected condition that arises within individuals without them being aware of it. Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, occurs unconsciously often while the victim is asleep. Typically, bruxism results in dental damage including chips or cracks on your teeth. Tissue damage can also occur. Typically, bruxism is treated through the use of night guards.
Common damage to your smile from bruxism include indentations or markings on your tongue, chew marks on your gum tissue on the inner lining of your mouth, chipped or cracked teeth, and worn down or flattened teeth. If you are unaware of the damage that you are suffering while you sleep, speak with a roommate or sleep partner to determine if you are grinding your teeth or making loud noises while you sleep.
Common aches and pains can often arise due to bruxism as well. This includes toothaches, earaches, headaches, and jaw or facial pain. Furthermore, if you notice any signs of difficulties such as fully opening and closing your mouth, you may be suffering from bruxism or bruxism-related damage such as a TMJ disorder, which can often rise out of a neglected bruxism ailment.
If you are in need of a bruxism treatment, such as mouth guards, Dr. Michael O'Neill and our team here at Wildwood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in our dentist office in Toledo, Ohio are committed to providing you the service you require. We can be reached at