The proper care of your teeth is one of the best habits a person can develop. The maintaining and care of a healthy smile is something everyone should practice. If you are a child who’s just learning about the importance of brushing and flossing or if you’re an adult with a lifetime of experience, it’s important to remind yourself why regular brushing and flossing is important.
An unclean mouth will lead to the development of a bacteria known as plaque. Plaque forms as a film on your teeth and it feeds off of left behind foods and sugars. Without brushing and flossing, the plaque poses a dangerous threat to the health of your teeth. Plaque can eventually turn acidic. If this happens, it will form dark pits known as cavities into your teeth.
Plaque can also turn into a hard substance known as tartar, which can feel like it’s actually part of the surface of the teeth. If tartar is allowed to develop, you will not be able to brush it away and it can lead to gingival disease as well as bone loss.
The daily routine of brushing and flossing will prevent the plaque from building up to any of those points. In addition to daily oral cleaning, you should be seeing Dr. Michael O'Neill every six months for a regular cleaning and checkup.
Protect your smile by calling Wildwood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Toledo, Ohio, today to set up an appointment at