What is the best way to relieve teething pain?

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child cry endlessly while they're going through the teething process. Unfortunately, it's a stage all babies go through.

It can be a stressful and sleepless period for both the child and the parents, but no matter how long these days seem, it’s a temporary phase. In the meantime, finding methods to ease their discomfort can make the process more manageable.

In this blog post, we discuss options to relieve teething pain so your little one can be comfortable and happy again.

A baby chewing on a teething ring.
  1. Cold teething toys

    One of the best ways to help your baby through the discomfort of teething is by using cold teething toys. These toys will help soothe the gums and provide relief from teething pain. You can chill these toys in the fridge or freezer for a few hours before giving them to your baby.

    The cold temperature will work wonders in reducing inflammation and soreness in the gums. But be careful not to let the toys turn rock-solid. Otherwise, they could get punctured while your baby is playing with them.

  2. Teething rings and pacifiers

    Teething rings and pacifiers can also be great options for teething babies.

    These toys will help encourage sucking and gnawing, which can alleviate teething discomfort. Plus, the act of chewing will promote healthy development of your baby’s teeth.

    Be sure to choose toys made with baby-safe materials. Avoid teething necklaces or bracelets that can turn out to be choking hazards.

  3. Gum massage

    One of the cheapest and easiest ways to provide relief to your baby’s aching gums is by massaging them with your fingers.

    Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before doing so, and make circular motions over the baby’s gums.

    A wet washcloth can also be used as an alternative. Note that you can massage their gums even before their baby teeth emerge.

  4. Pain relief medications

    There are over-the-counter medications available to provide pain relief from teething for babies. However, you should only use these medicines if necessary and under the guidance of a pediatrician.

    Products like teething gels can be effective in reducing teething pain, but be cautious with dosing to avoid any serious side effects.

  5. Keep your baby comfortable

    Lastly, it’s essential to keep your baby comfortable. Dress them in comfortable clothing, and keep the temperature of the room moderate.

    Give them plenty of rest and hydration. Making sure that your baby is well-rested can go a long way toward reducing their pain.

Teething is a different journey for every child and parent

Teething is a natural process, but it can be a tough time for both the child and the parent. However, there are several methods that can help alleviate tooth pain.

Cold teething toys, teething rings, and pacifiers can all be great ways to soothe inflamed gums. Gum massage is a simple yet effective way to provide relief from teething discomfort. Pain relief medications should be used only with the guidance of a pediatrician.

Lastly, keep your baby comfortable during the teething process and take as much rest as you can, too.

Try these tips, and you and your little one should be able to find which options work the best in no time. If you have further concerns about your child’s teething journey, please feel free to leave us a message at Wildwood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry.

If you’re in Toledo, OH, we can also take a look at your baby’s mouth and work with you to ensure proper development of their teeth and jaw.